Choosing The Correct Table & Chair Heights

Making sure you choose the right size chairs and tables for children is crucial. The concentration and posture benefits from ergonomists and physiotherapists are well documented. Ensuring children remain engaged in a stimulating environment is essential for the enjoyment and wellbeing of their academic learning and growth.
The European standard for school table heights and chair heights, EN1729, went through an overhaul in 2007, and this outlined a new minimum height for both tables and chairs that varied depending on the child’s age.
At Springfield Educational Furniture, we fully understand that deciding on the best chairs and tables can be confusing, overwhelming, and even a little frustrating too. This is why we’ve put together some simple to understand guidelines, that make choosing the right size table and chairs a breeze. All of our chairs are colour coded to make sizing them even easier.
How to Choose The Correct Chair Size
Chairs come in a variety of sizes, designs, finishes and materials. The first criteria should always be comfort – if children aren’t comfortable, they’re far less likely to concentrate.
The EN1729 standard detailed new and acceptable chair and table dimensions, with the aim of improving the overall sitting position and posture of children across all ages. The message is that chair heights should be in correlation to a child’s age, and that children’s feet should be able to touch the floor when they sit back in the chair.
Springfield Supplies Chevron Posture Chairs
How to Choose The Correct Table Size
Similarly to chairs, the size of a table is just as important to the comfort and engagement of the child. Tables should provide just the right amount of space for children to be able to fit their legs underneath, whilst also ensuring the table is low enough for them to comfortably rest their elbows on.
When looking at tables, you should also consider any special additional requirements for children in your class. If for example, a child is in a wheelchair that does not have a table built-in, they will require a table high enough to accommodate their wheelchair as well as allow them use it comfortably.
We’ve put together a chart that illustrates the typical height requirements for both chairs and tables, depending on the age of the child.