Dining Areas
Dining areas need to be welcoming and desirable places to eat and socialise, places people feel comfortable in and spaces to attract them. Each dining room has a different design depending on the requirements for the space.

Dining Room for a Primary School in Bristol
With our experience of over 40 years working with Schools, Colleges, Universities and Academies, we can help you create just the right ambience that will appeal to students and staff alike.
Whether it’s a modern, sleek look for a new facility or a more traditional style to suit existing surroundings, we can help you achieve just the right effect that is hygienic, effective and inspiring, by using CAD Drawings to help visualise a solution to your requirement.
We offer a wide range of options to meet your need and fit your budget: Tilt Top Tables | Folding Tables | Wall Pocket Tables | Dining Tables | Dining Chairs | Stools | Café Tables | Dining Screens | Queue Barriers
Contact us today for your no obligation proposal.
Contact the team for a FREE information pack

Dining Stools
These bright stools were added to a Dining area at a School in Norfolk. They added some colour into the eating area which the students preffered over some tradtional seating. It made the Dining area in this school more of a comfortable place for the students to relax and eat.

Foldable Tables & Seating
This folding dining table with stools is a popular choice for many schools. They can be a great addition for spaces that have different uses as they can easily be folded and put to the side. All of our Foldable Dining Furniture is sturdy and easy to use.
Browse Our Dining Furniture Here
Why Work With Us...
What Springfield Educational Furniture can do for you – If you’re wondering what it’s like to work with a dedicated education furniture specialist – this is us!
With over 40 years of experience serving schools and educational establishments, we are always sourcing new ideas and developing solutions, and maintain a continuously updated library of product designs and specifications. This means that if you have a requirement to meet a particular situation, help and specific advice is just a ‘phone call away!